How do you ask a godfather and godmother for your little one?
Peters and godparents, also known as godparents, are chosen before birth. They are then the most important people in the child's upbringing alongside the parents. From then on, godparents are present at every step - from communions to birthdays, from days out to important moments of advice. Peters and godmothers also often give the child presents, but who do you choose as godparents? What is the role of a godfather and godmother? And in what way do you ask for a godfather and godmother?
The tradition of godparents
When a baby was born and baptised in church, a godfather and godmother were also appointed. They were then the witnesses of the baptism, which is similar to the witnesses at marriage. Often the godfather and godmother came from the family and the godparents were given the noncommittal task of assisting in the upbringing of the baptised child, but they were also appointed in case something ever happened to the parents of the baptised child. They would then take over the child's upbringing.
What is the role of a godfather and godmother?
Nowadays, designated godparents are also often parents' best friends, the people they trust most to raise their child in the worst case scenario. But the nice thing about a godfather and godmother is that as a parent, you can also easily ask them for babysitting or other fun outings like going to the zoo. Later in life, the child can always turn to the godfather and godmother for advice when they find it difficult to engage with their parents, for instance. Remember that being asked is in itself quite an honour, so just asking the big question in a special way is a good idea.
But how do you ask for a godfather and godmother for your little one?
Once you've decided who you want to ask as godfather and godmother for your little toddler, it's time to think about how to go about it. Asking a godfather and godmother to take on this role doesn't have to be difficult or expensive, but asking a godfather and godmother is a very personal matter. It would be a very nice moment if you can do so with a personalised gift, making it a lifelong memory.
Ask the godfather with these gifts
Peters... they will always be there for you. Asking a godfather can be done in many different ways. A keychain with the words 'Peter of' or 'Godfather of' on it with the little one's name attached is a way to remember his role with pride every day. This mega Côte d'Or bar is also an ideal gift to ask a friend to be a godfather, as you can have the product personalised with name, photo and a personal message. But to capture the real act of choosing the godfather on paper, you can also give a very special pen. In fact, this pen is very chic and can be personalised to have the little one's name engraved on it, for example. Afterwards, it is always nice to celebrate the new title and the Belgian beer package is ideal for that too. Should you want to take the beer package a step further, it is also nice to give a beer glass with it, like this one Duvel beer pack with engraved glass. That way the godfather can pour the lager right away!
Put your question to the meter with these gifts
It entirely depends on how big you want to make the request to the future godmother. It can be small, with a cute personalised romper or wooden heart asking "Will you be my godmother?" or even cuter like "Meter Sofie" or "the cutest godchild of the sweetest godmother". But asking the metre is also great fun with bigger gestures, like the Milka heart or even a bottle of wine, to recover after a day of babysitting. Sometimes a godmother feels like a second mum right from birth. Therefore, it is very special to capture that bond in a special piece of jewellery. The mother/daughter bracelet is very suitable for that. The godmother can wear the bracelet proudly, while for the little lady a nice present is waiting until she is old enough to wear a bracelet herself.